Costume Mounting
My most recent work was mounting the iconic medieval Jane Morris dress and apron that William Morris designed for his only completed oil painting ‘La Belle Iseult’. The portrait and the dress were for the exhibition ‘ The Legend of King Arthur - A Pre-Raphaelite Love Story at the William Morris Gallery.
After completing a B.A Honours degree in Fashion Design at Central St. Martins I went on to have a career in fashion which led to my working as a costume designer on a multitude of TV programmes and commercials.
I have great fashion and styling sense and an exceptional eye for detail and my passion for clothes has now transferred to costume mounting on a number of exhibitions at various museums including the V&A and Design Museum,
As a freelance Costume Mounter every job is a distinct project, which involves detailed research, ensuring that every garment is mounted beautifully, steamed, looks perfect and exhibition ready for museums.